“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education”. Martin Luther King Jr.
Keeping in mind the motto of ‘One Heart One Soul’ the students of St. Mary’s Sr. Sec. School live together the rich diversity of our country, respectful of our faiths and appreciative of different cultures. We look up to you dear students with great hope because you must carry forward the values that stands for human dignity and well being which you imbibe here through creative and cooperative learning. St. Mary’s always try its best to inculcate moral and spiritual values besides academic excellence. Education is not what one knows, but what one is. Above all we teach the students that their unfailing faith in God will help them to win the battle of life. So hold on to your dreams and visions of tomorrow, no matter what today may bring.
I appreciate the dedication and commitment of our teaching and non-teaching faculty. The excellent academic results, good performance in the co-curricular and extracurricular activities are all due to the hard work and creativity of our teachers.
The management, committed teachers & parents take great responsibility to nurture the minds and heart of the young and prepare them to cope with the ever growing challenges of today for a bright and successful tomorrow. Let us inculcate in them an honest desire to play their part in creating a humane society free from prejudices, superstitions and discrimination based on sex, religion, caste and economic status, thus forming responsible citizens of a great nation.
May God’s grace and blessings be on all of us!
Sr. Jancy Joseph