01892-227413,9805872598 saintmarys.sidhpur@gmail.com

School Uniform

Striped Shirt and
Blue Trouser,
Belt,Black Shoe
Blue Frock,
Blue hair band,
Black Shoe
Pink T-shirt and
Blue Trouser,
Pink Shocks,
Black Shoes.
Pink T-shirt and
Blue Trouser,
Pink Shocks,
Black Shoes.
Striped Shirt and
Navy Blue Trouser,
Belt,Tie Black Shoe
Striped Shirt and
Navy Blue Pine form,
Belt,Black hair band, Black Shoe
Wednesday& Saturday
House T-shirt and
Black pant,
White Shocks,
White Shoes.
House T-shirt and
Black pant,
White Shocks,
White Shoes.

Student are expected to wear id card at all time.


  • A student’s personal apperance is the responsibility of the student and the parents
  • students are expected to present themselves neat and well groomed.
  • Student should maintain personal hygiene.
  • attested by the head of the school and an evaluation certificate from the inspector of schools.
  • Transfer certificate will be given only to those who have fully settled their dues and produced a written application from the parent or guardian.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual want of application,disobedience any kind of cheating or any serious misbehaviour even outside the school will be viewed seriously.

1.Fee Regulations

Following are the dates on which the fee should be paid in school office.

I term -April to June 31st
II term- on or before october 31st

Transport Fee

I term -April to June 31st
II term-on or before october 31st

The pupils are educated to appreciate beauty in whatever form it presents itself. The inner beauty of the human person created in the image of God who is infinite Beauty,Truth and goodness,is emphasized.They are taught to preserve the beauty of God’s creation by judicious use of natural resources and constant care of the environment.

For physical developement, regular games and out-door exercises are provided.

Awarding of points

Curricular Studies:

For unit test and terminal examination,points awarded are:

‘O’ grade -Above90%
‘A+’ grade -Above80%
‘A’ grade -Above70%
‘B+’ grade -Above60%
‘B’ grade -Above50%
‘C’ grade -Above40%

Co-curricular Activities

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place


Point are given for discipline,punctuality and regularity


Self discipline is necessary to achieve self-direction.Thus school rules are a help to strenghen the pupils determination for integral growth.They are guide-lines to self development rather than restrictions to it.

  • Every pupil is expected to be present for the daily assembly.
  • It is compulsary – for every pupil to come to the school in full uniform.
  • Ornaments or jewelry of any kind are not allowed in the school
  • The school does not take responsibility for money or articles that are lost.
  • Pupils must talk in English in order to facilitated the learning of the language.


8:30 a.m to 2:35 p.m


9.00 am to 5.00 p.m

Academic Result


Std. 1st to 9th

Good Results:

Std. 1st

Std. 10th

Shalini Sharma Topped this year matric result in the School with 96%.

Result details

Here we will help you develop a plan that meets the needs of the participants and aligns with the overall objectives of the organisation. You will need to tailor your training plan to each new client. With that in mind, it is hugely beneficial to involve stakeholders in the planning stages.
They can provide valuable input into the training and help ensure that the topics and outcomes align. There are also some practicalities that you will need to find out beforehand like how many people, the amount of time available and the budget. As you plan your training you should tie every component back to these overall objectives. By having a clear learning focus and set of objectives, you improve your training.
  • No school business will be transacted on Holidays
  • All corresponded should be addressed to the Headmistress
  • Letter officially addressed to school authorities should enclose reply postage.

Visit Us

Ward No: 7, Post Office- Sidhpur, Tehsil - Dharmshala, District-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, PIN-176057.

Call Us

01892-227413, Mob No: 9805872598

Email Us
